Published On: 20 August 2023Categories: News

The last 2 years volunteering as a mentor for young adults with The Layberry Foundation has been an absolutely unforgettable experience and one I’ll forever be grateful for. Keith and Marion were extremely welcoming from day one and I can’t think of better people to be running the Foundation.

It’s been truly heartwarming to see the transformation of one of my mentees in particular, from a relatively shy, introverted young adult who was struggling with a few areas in life, to a much happier, more content and driven person who now has goals and is actively making positive changes to his life in order to work towards them.

Receiving a card from his family at the end of our work confirming the above and explaining that he now has a sense of purpose and is once again excited by things thanks to the Foundation was a really touching moment.

As part of my work, we also organised a ‘Fly Day’, along with Aviation Without Borders, to give a few young adults from the Foundation the chance to take flight in a light aircraft over Kent. The day was an incredible success with lots of smiles and positive energy all round, with one boy getting to orbit his childhood home and see his grandparents waving to him. Although not at all the aim, both young adults who flew went on to join the air cadets at school, which has now opened up a whole new world of opportunities for them.

If you’re a looking for a great volunteer role and want to have a positive impact on someone’s life, I couldn’t recommend this Foundation more. Likewise, if you’re a young adult who’s struggling in some way with mental health or lack of overall direction, The Layberry Foundation is a super place to turn to.

Sam Todman